Do you have students in your program who study abroad or are significantly engaged in research or community service? Do students in your program complete internships? Have some also demonstrated the ability to be leaders of their peers? Students who have been purposefully engaged beyond the classroom and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible to complete Graduation with Leadership Distinction (GLD).
GLD is not only a transcript and diploma recognition, but a valuable process that helps students articulate what they have learned throughout their collegiate career and what it means to their future.
Encourage your students to consider GLD and help them see how their academic work contributes to earning this distinction. Want to explore further how GLD can complement your program? Contact Lara Ducate.
Students can achieve Graduation with Leadership Distinction in five areas:
- Community Service
- Diversity and Social Advocacy
- Global Learning
- Professional and Civic Engagement (includes internships and peer leadership)
- Research
Requirements include extensive engagement beyond the classroom, related coursework, a public presentation, and an e-portfolio.
GLD is overseen by the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning. Contact us for further information.
How Faculty and Advisors can help:
- Encourage students to engage beyond the classroom in experiences that will enrich their education
- Encourage students to pursue GLD
- Submit courses in your area to be included on the GLD course lists
- Encourage meaningful reflection on learning from within and beyond the classroom throughout your courses and experiences for students
- Encourage students to take UNIV 401 for Graduation with Leadership Distinction or integrate the e-portfolio into your discipline-specific seminar
- Nominate eligible students to apply for Graudation with Leadership Distinction
Learn more about ePortfolios:
The GLD ePortfolio aligns with national efforts on ePortfolio as a high impact practice and is the heart of earning Graduation with Leadership Distinction. Several USC academic programs have aligned their work on ePortfolios with GLD. See our ePortfolio page for samples and resources, and contact CIEL for further information.